How does this work?
You talk, we listen! Call us or log on to our chat, and someone will be there to listen to whatever you need to say.
What services does 8-to-8 provide?
The members of 8-to-8 are available to listen and offer thoughtful questions regarding any topic you want to talk about.
What are your hours?
During the academic year, 8-to-8 service members are available to take calls at 860-788-5061 from 7pm until 7am on weeknights, and from 7pm until 10pm on Friday and Saturday nights. They are available to chat through this website from 7pm until 2am, every day of the week.
Who am I chatting with?
Our listeners are fellow Wesleyan students who undergo an intensive training process to provide a non-directive, listening ear.
Why aren’t you giving me advice?
Because we are a non-directive listening service, we do not give advice or direct the caller in any way. The philosophy of 8-to-8 is that we can best help you by listening supportively, and allow space for you to reach your own conclusions.
Is there any way for you to tell who I am?
We are a completely anonymous service. We have no way of knowing your identity unless you tell us, and everything you say is confidential.
I called and no one picked up! What should I do?
While we try are hardest to be available, on rare occasions there might be a few hours where no one is able to pick up the phone. If this happens, know that our online chat is always live and someone will be able to respond. But if you feel you need to hear someone's voice, listed below are some professional hot-lines:
Teen Helpline
Crisis Hotline
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Eating Disorders Center
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Hotline
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence